Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ksenia Sobchak - Russia Country of genetic scum

But this time there was no prophet, so laugh and cry it's too late. Today's Russia has come to such a state that Sobchak on its background is still very, very. At the very least annoying idiots who find themselves in the most serious. The newly published ... A man who wrote it, is often grotesque and tragic figure, as well aware of everything that happens. And with it, and around.

Russia is a country of genetic scum.

Xenia, let us define some terms. As I understand it from a book, you goof - is the person most concerned about self-presentation and the pressure on the surrounding. He wants above all fear dominate at any cost.

correctly. There's a whole system of definitions, but they all fit in your: a man for whom self-presentation is above all.

And it is usually futile.

- Optional. The funds are often the most serious. In principle, this is an international phenomenon, but Russia - an ideal testing ground for observing lohozhitelyami. They are the exclusive expanse. That was the result of a number of social experiments, the latter of which - the rain of petrodollars - still not over, despite the crisis.

But why Russia? .

I would not discount the 1917. And then in 1937 the first. Two consecutive destruction of the elite, plus the war, plus the regular campaign and post-war prorabotochnye poison we have a very able - have led to the fact that Russia has become a country of genetic scum. But the person making such statements, can survive only if it is referred to and a....

And how! . Symbol nationwide lohovstva with the project ...

I've always said that the authors of this project is already built into the underworld Hell -2.


But then what makes you do it?.

The so -called educated stratum we belong to one percent of the population. Others are adequately represented on television only a ... This is our country, and we have no other. They can not show, as urged not to show ... But they do not disappear from the. And in the ...
They go out far less loshistymi. There is a rigid system of selection, which is always ennobles. Then, there is an intense game of love (and sometimes, by the way, not even a game ). And love - the most important outlet channel for the aggressive energy of Losinj. Better to let them build and couples seeking reciprocity than kill each other. Love Loch - the top of the evolution of the form.

The fuck me your feathers!.

- I sometimes think that you are special mission Putin. You have been distracted by all the negative energy of the country.

- I thought that it is incumbent on us to Mikhail Zurabov. Since then, he served as ambassador to Ukraine, I carry this cross with a.

- Now it is clear who will replace Zurabov in Ukraine.

- Do not rule out. But if I really intended to divert the people's anger - that is, it's not the worst mission. I eat negative energy. To be honest, when I praise - I have always in this tough imagining either irony or hidden it put.

- Do not be so universal rugnya gives you pleasure.

- I'm just a symbol of all that is hateful to the average man in the street. And while I do not just embody it - that came glamorous blonde. I know how to defend it, argue, and this is a completely average person can not tolerate.

- Among the things that you represent, and the lack of vulgarity.

- Not at all. What is vulgar? . Vulgarity - this is the average man, who hates me. I represent the taste of freedom and choice.

- But the glamor, then what does the taste?.

- No, I just do not glamor. Glamour, on the contrary, wants to please everyone. This sleek, comme il faut, the dress code - but I broke all the conventions and often can not stop. Sometimes I just carries herself and then ask what the hell due to one ester to spoil relations with so many people? . This three-day sitting in silence, hunched, and then made ​​a furious plucking with a hoarse croaking: ...

- But in secular circles yet spinning.

- Well yes, because I'm a girl Mercantile, and a ride on someone else's yacht in the company of other people's beautiful people to me more pleasant than on the hard work earned the company its own, but the bald.

- Do you agree with Fitzgerald that ...

- I agree, but even the Fitzgerald did not answer - at what point these changes begin. Here the main thing - do not miss: what you do with them as with Superman, but he is still human? . It's really tough people, and making money - a very special talent. More precisely all about it at Pelevin in the ...

- Come on, you should know how to do these states....

- However, we are for some reason they did not, right? . And after a while again, dragged in the money.

Do you have a favorite among local business?.

The most intelligent of those whom I know - as I know, believe me, many people - definitely Mikhail Fridman.

But even the most closed.

I've been with him in different situations, see, for example, as a tour of the Vatican, he suggested the tour guide... In terms of breadth of interest and scholarship - he was the first. And the closest to me in spirit, Mikhail Prokhorov. It is also not very similar to its public image. What's going on inside - no one knows, but he could blurt that! . I long thought, and you the same breed. Sit these priests, be- zumno satisfied themselves, when they say ...

nonsense. Such hate me even more than the fuckers.

Well, as Prokhorov knows how to put in place. Here it is sponsoring a terrific performance by Mironov and Khamatova Shukshin. Since it starts talking teatralka - all this with a gasp - and expects it to her, too, will respond with a gasp, ...

This is a normal response. Because he really understands people and he does not necessarily publicly pridyhat. Just fake knowledge and pre-made answers are visible: in the book and I 'm wondering: what unites Kadyrov and Arshavin? . And they have procured the list: asking for a simpler - a standard set of. Poet - Pushkin, fruit - an apple. For more complex - Dostoevsky, respectively, even, perhaps, Proust.

What are your feelings on Ramzan Kadyrov?.

But I perfectly understand, that from this dobryachka - borovichka one step away from the beast, and in Grozny, among other things, scary. So much so that Sokolov, not being my close friend, the night barefoot and in pajamas came into my bedroom, ... So together, and slept.

But you are aware that it is - a dangerous man?.

It is VERY dangerous.

And not afraid to say this? . ...

I hope he is as a spiritual person, just read HG Wells and I did not pay attention.

Finished sausage - run.

- Do not want to - do not answer, but how do you feel about the phenomenon of Putin? .

My answer is absolutely honest, I have no rules about Plato, who each, and the truth, which is more expensive. For me, the person in first place. Putin was virtually the only one who defended my father when he was poisoned. This eliminates any possibility for me impartial reviews.

But do you see in the country a potential for protest?.

Not certain, but a huge, because the country signed a pact: the freedom in exchange for a sausage. Got sausage - given the freedom. according to Andropov. The pact will end at exactly the moment when the finished pudding. And so, when it will begin interruptions, it will be necessary to run very fast in the direction of the first Schengen country.

- And it may end?.

- Easily. It's all about the oil, and the people know: look how many people aware of the price of oil. For example, my manager - 56 -year-old woman, very far from any kind of business was.

- And what do the authorities in this situation?.

- And it is not clear, because I do not want to be well received in the power (I am not quite there, btw). We have to put pressure on the vine any manifestations of opposition - and it is fraught, if not to pressure - also fraught with. Obviously only the first is the economic pit demolish the whole social contract.

- You do not allow the revival of the Soviet Union?.

- Rather, I am afraid, as if the decay has not gone beyond. Almost certain that we will lose the Caucasus in our lifetime.

- By the way, who you are officially on the diploma?.

- Specialist in International Relations, Diploma - ...

- It was not the case that Putin has given you to understand: Xenia, do not do this, do not need?.

- Well, if he gave me to understand - I would probably know.

- A state support you for a feel?.

- There would be government support - who would dare to scold me? . Not to mention the fact that the poems Orlushi ... I recorded them in his reading - especially the theater and took off on an empty stage, alone, in an expensive evening dress read.

- Expensive clothes - even, but why are you allowed to illustrate the Bartenev, ...

- Sells better. I tell you, I'm a girl Mercantile. And earnings, except for TV and journalism, I have no.

Age can not imagine.

As you can imagine my old age?.

sore point. I can not imagine. I'm not going to change their lifestyle in the near future. I can not stand family values. I do not like children. For all this will have to somehow pay.
Well, this is not necessarily recognized. Negative energy can be any high level.

- But this is fair! . But if the truth? . It should start to play up, make up - so all unpresentable! .

- How long you want to ask, you know Daria Zhukova?.

- She was my closest friend in the days of long-term relationship with Marat Safin.

- What do you think caused the Abramovich divorce his wife, family and demolish pick Daria?.

- Just want to say - this step Abramovich I admire. Our elite is full of people sitting on two or three or four chairs. He made an honest choice, risky reputation - because he lives and conducts business in England, the country's conservative values ​​... but - decided. And why - why, after all the money to do a fairly boring. We need someone who will lead you on, the person to whom you come home from the office - and he leads you on a visit to the international bohemia. Dasha from this bohemia is well known to. She has a very quick mind, a natural, ... And Abramovich, as far as I know him, loves to push the boundaries - he was bored doing the same thing, we need new people, new circle... She gave him a significant boost.

That is, there is there for him to kind of pragmatism?.