Friday, March 30, 2012

Yandex news news groups by genre

The most popular Russian-language news service Yandex. News received a number of improvements. First of all, now all the news are sorted and displayed grouped by genre: articles, interviews.

Under the system adopted in Article text document in which the event is described fully, with the background and forecasts, by the interview material is filed as you talk about some event or phenomenon.

In addition, the block ...

' Who is the strongest in Russia in the SaaS?'

Of course, the same. Company '1 C '.

In the morning began to write a post with the headline and the initial phrase. But then I realized that did not get a very brief text and sent as an editorial article in PC Week. And she has already published:. http://www. pcweek. ru / themes / detail. php? ID = 131626.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Seo -scheme

1) The first step is to compile a kernel requests. Options work with the client usually two: a lot of bass, or a limited set of MF. I love the first. Customers of the old wave of more than cling to the second. In fact, there needs to be done first retreat.

All inquiries can be divided into marketing and selling. Yes, a lot depends on feedback - the one who takes the phone and answer a potential client. But this does not exclude the situation where part of the request in principle does not cause the client desires even go to the site, while another part is the desire to go, but to buy - there is no.

When you work with a limited set of MF, the most often or not at all see the conversion - not enough statistics. Or you start to work with so-called usability, t. e. with increasing conversion of the site. Last - it certainly is good to do. But the conversion of inquiries and conversion sites - these are different things, although it is the synergy of both allows the greatest impact.

In a large array of low-frequency statistics over time, has enough to begin to judge the conversion of individual requests and shifting emphasis to the promotion of sites. Over time, you begin to understand and work with such factors as seasonal inquiries, the relevance of queries, and other regional interest. T. e. Boots will be buying more in the autumn. A model of wear in 2010 is more relevant than the 2009 model. Italian coat Zalupodrischenske hardly anyone is interested, and in Halupoznayske interesting, but does not dialed enough customers to ensure the loading of the enterprise.

This is my motivation for working with low. However, in some niches of low yield so few customers that have to work with MF - t. e. work on the areas. So the ability to choose the right set of queries says a lot about you as an optimizer. Top client often does not need - he needs buyers. But if there are no buyers, then the client will need at least the top - is it morally soothing. Moral calmer vysokomarzhevye all clients: factories, builders and others who closes one sale your budget for the year. Those who depend on large numbers of buyers - the more nervous. And working with them too, more.

2) The first stimulus.

Because I'm lazy, and the client wants quick results, the first hit I put sap, often without any changes to the site. Purposes there are many.

The first, which is sold in about 5-10% of cases: a sudden, and so will. In this constructed ' Moscow ' promotion scheme, when the money come from 10 customers, then in the Top 8 pins, 2 return grandmother. But there is costly part of the above. I am also saving money, the regional budgets are small, but it happens that the top is achieved relatively little money. Small - about purchase of 300 links. Kernel for purchase - about 50-60 anchor. Anchors are written or creative or carelessly jerk of vordstata. For the shooting is not so important.

The first results are visible in about two weeks. At least - three. Filter easy and I described it in school: three vneshke to three rubles, the age of 180 days, first on the subject of Yandex - everything you have, then put the category and buy out everything that is in the UC and DMOZ. Then work on the TCI. T. e. emphasis is not on the TCI, and the subject, even if TCI = 0. Typically, a full stage yields about 300-500 links, after filtration sapemasterom killed 30-40%. Remains between 150 and 300 links. This is almost always sufficient for the appearance of movement in the crescent.

3) Stir in the crescent.

Can be conditionally divided on old projects and trust (usually a change of the optimizer ), the old and virgin ( not previously thought about the progress ), young ( and want to make the top ). The scheme of work with each different. Each of the different species, and movement in the crescent.

Old and trust - the most simple. Most often, these projects with the promotion of trash in the past. The analysis shows that they bekov Sapov or even seopultovost. Here it is best to restore the mass bekov, and then a more powerful and competent means of such worlds, GGL, its net. You can do everything at once. It is difficult to peretoshnit project, on which it was 2- 3tys. bekov.

Most often, such projects like the movement rapidly decaying amplitude. Rapid return and rapid fluctuations of the APA to the apu up and down until a certain stability. Then the downward movement may be mainly apami Yandex search algorithms, or google, or a global shake-up of base.

In this fast decay, and sits one of the most serious problems in dealing with such projects. After a while you get up and do not touch on almost. Roughly speaking, the ceiling features like the fixed. To change the position or the need to substantially change the method of work, or the site itself. Well, there could be as lucky. I was shown a website that has bypassed almost all web-studio in Moscow, from Friel from Siberia and ending BDBD. But the site is not as frozen in Yandex raised above 30-40 positions. And Google was sitting in the top. This is a monstrously angry mistress, who again and again changed the optimizers. Website - peretoshnennoe shit, by the way.

Old - young is a little different picture. Due to age they will quickly jump into the top, and then after 2-3 months, I had a case where after 6 months - subside. It is hard to explain it theoretically, but if the site slips as ' fluffy ', and then the correction is made, and he pulls back. What theme is special, and, the longer the delay in correcting.

After correcting itself and begins serious work. There begins the standard amplitude up and down, stretch, depending on the effort for a period of 2 to 10 months.

The young - do not usually work, but still fucked up. They are afraid to issue a sausage. There may be a high position today, tomorrow - lowering by 20-30 positions. The sharp drop in issuance, the difference in a regional issue and issuance of the region as a key. In general, the results are very different directions, and news every day. For example, here is a young site. In granting the city the word - it is not in the top twenty. The issue of the word without the city but with a check mark on the city - he was the first.

The young have only one method - to tolerate. Youth passes quickly, even at sites.

4) Working with content. Working with anchors.

Working with the site - it's half the budget cuts on the links. The better the site, the easier it is to move it to the top. I've been doing sites that do not require links to return to the top of Bass. Although today, even on non-competitive bass often need a kick in the reference, because often the site - shit.

Usually I try to follow the scheme: the main mix and the bass has its own page. T. e. for every major bass - has its own page. Salsola on the main need is mainly for internal linking. Can be muddy and more complex linking schemes, but most often come to you with a ready website, where nothing has really changed. And most importantly - too lazy to change anything seriously.


1) Riraytyatsya all secondary pages to fit your bass: Titley, the text, I still love the pan occasionally shove a couple of sentences, but not all engines do give a. Very cool, if you have the ability to cram in the anchor text link to this page, alt- image in the header tag. Text does not specifically oversaturates, not much riraychu. Frankly peretoshnit SSS, the second reason is more prosaic - a deep optimizatorsky rirayt - it is my laziness.
2) The text on the main rewritten so that the second page priankorit. So they quickly fall to the robot, plus receive a portion of the internal weight of the main.
3) If you are not lazy, low- anchor on other page landing pages. For example, if there is a page section cowards, cowards then mark DiM on this website is to make a link to this page. Or vice versa, depending on what you are is more important to promote.

Well, you understand the internal linking is as important tematichnost.

Most sites are full of mischief in the work plan of the text - and malostranichnye malokontentnye sites. For those sites without even thinking, just sit down to write content. For a sane move should be on a low fat on the page. Given that the need for the normal traffic 50-60 anchor, and the contract usually includes a 7-8 - draw conclusions. For one such project for the last three months we've written about thirty articles. The hardest thing in this work - make the customer pay the check and articles. Some do not pay, but my margins are not ashamed at times to pay the most.

Working with other kinds of anchors. Creative anchors on my calculations reduce the budget by about a third. T. e. if you write any type of real fufel, we often can not cheat the system to increase the weight of such links. However, over the last year Yandex clearly get the hand to whip sapossylki and now the focus is more laminates for the eternal link exchanges.

I worked with the generator of the anchor seopulta. Honestly - it is better to write anchor arms 20 than with natyrit seopulta 200. The effect will be higher.

I would not recommend doing too narrow anchor (a la ... I used to think that references to 8.5 gluing does not lead. But IMHO this is my truth and do not pretend. More - do not buy less - just too lazy to write anchors. Ideally, the reference to the Encore 2.3 okolossylochnoe. As for the glue to anchor the text itself. There probably is not afraid of a link, and peretoshnenie. If your site, regardless of okolossylochnogo are solid links ' free ', there is a chance that you peretoshnite PS and movement in general will not be. The short experience of a number of very very lazy about this project and said.

5) Iteration.

Promotion - a swing. You're kicking, crawling up a project or falls. If the incident - to change the model. If creeps up on you push the same buttons.

At this point, if you are working sap (or any other stock exchange ), clean, and building up a reference. If you are working with eternal exchanges - shifts the emphasis to the anchor, write new. Also, do not stop working with the site itself in problem areas. This is where I usually do deep riraytom relevant pages. But by that time is 20-30% Unhatched sites.

At some point iteration saturated. If they were satisfied under the contract - are happy and fix the budget for the minimum progress. If they were filled below the desired point, it is necessary to change the scheme to promote.

6) Methods of increasing the reference.

Until December last year, the basic scheme of work with a reference - Sapa muzzles of their projects. That's enough for any project. Then Yandex started the war with the exchanges and the weight began to fall sapossylok. So we had to go into the eternal link.

I have no illusions about the uncertainty of commercial perennial PM links. But the width of the transmission of such links more. So 10 will be broken only 3-4 sapossylok eternal. Relation to the eye - not yet a sufficient statistic, but is unlikely to greatly mistaken. And another advantage of these options - they naturally grow old. A sapossylki aging simply remove.

Therefore, today, the basic distribution of reference I have is: a kick in the sap. If the project did not get up into place, and the client moved into the category of stable and long-term, then add miralinks (for major projects and competitive queries ). kazapu. ( to pump the perpetual references), its network of blogs ( referenced spraying ). Plus, the unit faces. Time is now preparing its grid of satellites under the mordorazmeschenie. There will be approximately 100-150 sites. They will close the last gap in my scheme of a reference.

Procurement is primarily in the home. For complex projects - on the second page. Entertainment will purchase from the links in the ksape on mulon pages for online retailers, I quickly finished. More often is better to build home than to fuck with a large number of pages. But the second page without fat links does not take personal.

Of course, this is not all and that no details. Not that I'm sorry, just that each project your hemorrhoids. About the margin also did not say, but it is higher than the average for those who did not conceal their costs in dealing with customers on the job. But the described works for all my clients, rapid subsidence in the apah was long gone - this is for those who will try to doebatsya parts in the scheme. customers are different. There are very simple, there are those where the narrowest point of dozens if not hundreds of players. By HF do not work on a number of internal reasons: I do not believe in them, I love sleep and I'm very lazy. Occasional failures - and such were - in the past, the last time I parted with the client because the results of a year or more ago. We had to redo the site, and the client liked it. And I ran out of ideas. Today, the client works with context.

Work with the context, I also did not describe. I do not like the context, using primarily only advords and the very limited. Substitute and contractual context swap Kei, many marketers believe fraud. Nevertheless, I never hide from the client, if he is cheaper reklatsya a context, what I have. Less then there will be problems.

Good luck and sickle good evening!.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Valkyrie or a movie about how Tom Cruise Hitler blew

Snot, of course, too much. But they are completely neutralized by a crazy drive, a mass of detail, the images of the heroes of denominated. There is no sex, but the Countess Stauffenberg scratches his belly at the moment of parting - so something had to count three-toed couple of months ago. Shooting either, except for the shooting scene at the end and knocking out his eyes at the beginning of.

As a film genre - the historical thriller: a lot of chatter, and terrible music, the intrigue. Actually, there is also talk nicherta will not be. So fans of special effects and mind-blowing tricks - break off.

The plot is simple: a desire to change the power, a handful of soldiers and politicians preparing an attempt on Hitler. And as if all had happened, but Hitler survived, and during the day revolt chokes, and all the heroes go to die with the title, when they kill. So the plot is not difficult to kill the old woman money-lender.

But so many tears were shed, and apprehended that creating the depth of what is happening inside the world of action is enriched by the heroes of their torments, their understanding that they make history. Their euphoria and despondency.

The film is not rich in events and stunts, but it is full of emotion. I have a small fan of historical dramas. They are based on the idealization of the event always lies. ( There was one movie about the war, which shocked me - I can not, unfortunately, remember the name, watched as a teenager. But movie tough and no snot. ) The heroes are always heroes. The enemies are always the enemies of. This is done for simplicity that the film has reached even to the moron in the top row. But all is not so. But thanks to the skill in Valkyrie director Stauffenberg is not just a rebel a la Robin Hood, The Dark Knight, he of the country. There is in the film and its jokers. Go - you will see.

Children in this movie has nothing to do. Girls will start up a tear ( sorry for the bird ). Guys would get bored sometimes. And for those who do not like movies with constant carts for the honor and dignity - bored the entire movie. This movie is for those who go into it not for the rest, and to get a piece of information to chew. Can one man take on the responsibility to turn the tide of history or not? .


Mold - an attempt to make a movie of the first channel a la BBC. It did not work.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The density of interface in Google Docs

In Google Docs an opportunity to change the number of on-screen documents. This will allow us all to adjust to their wishes and needs of the home page of their ' Documents '. If you click on the ' gear ' in the upper right corner, then we will see the following list of the density:.

  1. normally.

  2. spacious.

  3. compact.

Let's try to see a visual example of a vygryshe interface:.

  • normally. - Type of the standards documents:.

  • spacious. - Border padding narrow.

  • compact. - In this case the maximum number of displayed documents:.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

2008: with the domains will be easier

Registrar Domain RU-CENTER has published forecasts of experts the domain industry. Among the expectations in 2008 - the growing popularity of sites available for mobile phones, new domain zones (such as. web,. union,. geo) and more.

Thus, it is expected that this year will greatly increase the number of users connecting to the Internet with mobile phones. Accordingly, the sites are focused on working with mobile devices, will develop the most active and thematic top-level domain. MOBI will be among the leaders on the number of new registrations.

In 2008, ICANN approved the appearance of more than one hundred new top level domains, more than half of which will consist of 11 symbols of national alphabets. As has been said Oborot. ru, probably also the appearance of the Cyrillic zone. RF. It is also clear up the situation with applications for the creation of dozens of new domain areas, such as. web,. health,. union,. geo,. III, and so on.

In the coming year simplified the management of domains and domain owners the security will fall due to the new system functioning Whois- service (containing open and closed information about domains and their owners ).

I want to post about Dumb

I want coffee.
I want peace and quiet week or two.
I want to go, to where you can make the above.
I want money.

Something I have ached Wishlist.


My brother was planning to drop yesterday in the Neman is krugolya at 2:00, but today we had to forget pripozdali and Neman and scald napryamki in Chernyakhovsk, where my grandfather lived. So come to the funeral.

My grandmother was a church warden for many years, and my grandfather - not the last person in the city was in its time - the honorable railway, chairman of Veterans for a while ( I did not know before his death ). So my grandfather himself read the burial service of the local parish priest. I do not go to church and believe in the conventional sense. So I was impressed that the service is otherwise.

Reading the scriptures alive fascinates. For the words they picked up one another. In general, it is not clear - many Slavonicisms (' Aki ', ' ilk ', ' art ' and m. n. ). but.
People stood and listened to the rhythm. So everything looked okay and smoothly.

After the service my father gave a sermon about faith. The approximate meaning of ' faith gives the existence of the core '. There were many contradictions, but common sense is correct: a fuss and argue unhelpful. Better to spend time on building up. A curious remark ' when a Russian man comes into the house, he says, ' Peace to your home! '.

Before leaving the cemetery jumped into the garden. My grandfather watched him assiduously until it came down. Gardening is running impossibly. Nobody before them the case. The pond in bloom.

Cemetery after funeral of her grandmother overgrown fence - have seen the outlines of his. Number of graves rooted. far. The main thing - the new cemeteries ceased to put fences. Now the graves easier to pass.

Sami burial was announced a triple salute. My grandfather passed two war veterans and the council insisted on the salute.

Kissing his grandfather on the forehead, and caught myself thinking that it is very cold. unusual. I'm used to that man - warm.

Warped reasoning is a grandmother in the back row on the price of a coffin. Do not you fuck? .

At this time all the children were assembled: my grandmother 's funeral in January, the eldest daughter did not have time to Ukraine. Now she has retired (63 years) with a pension of 2,500 rubles. Opensource projects, eh. Even my youngest aunt for 55. running time.

Grandfather had six months to 90 years. May God bless each of us to live up to these years.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sony ICF-CD3iP - Alarm Clock with Dock for iPod

12094Despite the fact that Sony has a series of portable players, Walkman, the corporation decided to make another and rival products such as Apple iPod and iPhone.

The gadget Sony ICF-CD3iP combines the functions of a portable audio system, clock - alarm, CD- player, FM / AM radio and docking station for the players and cell phones from Apple.

The low price of $ 100 certainly provide a great demand for this product.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Alarm clock with MP3- player and video support

news_15587_1_MDOur neighbors in China make a lot of electronics, it is not surprising that sooner or later, we stumble on something amazing. There is no guarantee that today's new product will be made ​​very high quality will be excellent, or sounds, but it looks awesome.

This alarm clock MP3 Player Alarm Clock feature two-inch TFT-LCD, MP3 player and FM-receiver. The device has a built-in speakers and one gigabyte of memory. You get to play music files, MP3 and WMA and video in AVI format. One gigabyte of memory capabilities are not limited to, using the slot for the card format SD / MMC, you can easily increase the memory. The cost of the device is $ 88 - probably too expensive for a device of unknown.
Price: $ 88.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Digital Picture Frame E-ART with Swarovski crystals

71487Company ... Elegant decoration adds models with 8- inch display with a resolution of 800x480 pixels a certain charm and originality of the expensive.

To download images, you can easily do without a PC: record pictures is directly from memory cards (supports SD, MMC, MS, MS Pro and CF) in the frame 's internal memory ( 1GB). Of the extras to note the presence of the slide show and features music (supports MP3 and WMA).

In addition to the framework includes a set of cable USB, manual and remote control. Series E -ART framework consists of six baguettes, so anyone can pick up a baguette for every taste, occasion or mood.

3dnews. ru.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Social networks give out any personal secrets and mysteries

Observations of staff of the American Academy of matrimonial lawyers showed that over the past five years, 81% of its members have used or encountered in their litigation with the evidence collected in Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other social networking sites, including YouTube and LinkedIn. Unshakeable leader in this ranking is considered the social network Facebook, just to the evidence of her lawyers have used in 66 % of cases. In the three leaders as MySpace and Twitter with the indicators 15% and 5% respectively.

Some of the evidence submitted with the above services is very original. For example, a divorced husband demanded to deprive the former spouse of parental rights due to neglect their own children. Proof of this was compiled frequent pastime with some ladies boyfriend on an online virtual fields of the universe World of Warcraft, and even prohibitively active hobby farm in the casual game FarmVille on Facebook.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Medical certificates for computers

Scott Charney, vice president of Microsoft Trustworthy Computing, last year suggested the development of ways of dealing with virtual viruses, which are used by people to fight against their brethren the real. In particular, networked computers will need to obtain special encrypted certificates that will certify the absence of this unit of malicious software and security for other users.

In turn, the provider each time you try to connect to the Internet must request the certificate, and then only to provide access to a PC or to recommend to send it for processing. Most industry experts have criticized this approach as it tries to limit the freedom of the Internet and to invade the privacy of users.