Saturday, March 24, 2012

Valkyrie or a movie about how Tom Cruise Hitler blew

Snot, of course, too much. But they are completely neutralized by a crazy drive, a mass of detail, the images of the heroes of denominated. There is no sex, but the Countess Stauffenberg scratches his belly at the moment of parting - so something had to count three-toed couple of months ago. Shooting either, except for the shooting scene at the end and knocking out his eyes at the beginning of.

As a film genre - the historical thriller: a lot of chatter, and terrible music, the intrigue. Actually, there is also talk nicherta will not be. So fans of special effects and mind-blowing tricks - break off.

The plot is simple: a desire to change the power, a handful of soldiers and politicians preparing an attempt on Hitler. And as if all had happened, but Hitler survived, and during the day revolt chokes, and all the heroes go to die with the title, when they kill. So the plot is not difficult to kill the old woman money-lender.

But so many tears were shed, and apprehended that creating the depth of what is happening inside the world of action is enriched by the heroes of their torments, their understanding that they make history. Their euphoria and despondency.

The film is not rich in events and stunts, but it is full of emotion. I have a small fan of historical dramas. They are based on the idealization of the event always lies. ( There was one movie about the war, which shocked me - I can not, unfortunately, remember the name, watched as a teenager. But movie tough and no snot. ) The heroes are always heroes. The enemies are always the enemies of. This is done for simplicity that the film has reached even to the moron in the top row. But all is not so. But thanks to the skill in Valkyrie director Stauffenberg is not just a rebel a la Robin Hood, The Dark Knight, he of the country. There is in the film and its jokers. Go - you will see.

Children in this movie has nothing to do. Girls will start up a tear ( sorry for the bird ). Guys would get bored sometimes. And for those who do not like movies with constant carts for the honor and dignity - bored the entire movie. This movie is for those who go into it not for the rest, and to get a piece of information to chew. Can one man take on the responsibility to turn the tide of history or not? .


Mold - an attempt to make a movie of the first channel a la BBC. It did not work.

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