Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Picasa 3 beta released. for Linux. Developers write that made ​​this year's 850 amendments to the Code ' neemulyatora ' Wine. But the desire to use such a ' port ' does not arise. I continue to monitor the native software of this kind. not. JBrout. or. IntiPunku. have not replaced the big brothers.
Since buying a laptop relation to. F-Spot. changed. It was possible to identify a situation where execution speed is quite satisfactory. It's simple: if you have a sticker emblazoned on the body with reference to the word 'Vista', hence the computational power of the cover of the special effects cataloguer. Otherwise, the impression of the product will be overshadowed by the slowness thereof.
today. released another bugfix release. (Version 0. 5. 0. 2 ). In the repository. Michele C. Soccio. can be found. the previous version. :.

deb http://ppa. launchpad. net / michelinux / ubuntu hardy main. 
deb-src http://ppa. launchpad. net / michelinux / ubuntu hardy main.

To avoid conflict with the pullback (suddenly want to go back to the previous version ), make a preliminary copy of the database:.

cp-av ~ /. gnome2/f-spot / ~ /. gnome2/f-spot. backup /. 

The first time you got an error about the lack of / Fspot / Sidebar. After removing the directory from the old DB F-Spot has started.
Added a directory with pictures. It works, does not fall ( knock on wood). Of the nice features include: catches duplicates when you import, edit options quickly transferred into the column to the left of the image. As more and more like the brainchild of Google.

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