Monday, April 16, 2012

Librarian of web 2.0 - it is serious (end?)

Remained the last group learning outcomes -. personal.
In your letters, dear colleagues, not just slipped that on you in the learning process began to look for other kids, someone gave the technique, some successfully delivered at a workshop meeting. All we had some kind of personal achievement is due to learning. There they are, and I. And they appeared deystviteno by training in these courses.
Back in November, watching my enthusiastic stories about blogostroitelstve in general and educational blogs in particular, the administration of my school asked me to do. school site. Do not create no. He is, we have. Make it more attractive, to reconsider the very concept of the site, whether that. We have a large school, three teachers of computer science, one Deputy Director for Information. Maybe it's none of my business? .
After seeing my blog, the editors publishing Marina Volkova came to me with a proposal to participate in the created in the Chelyabinsk region. Programs to promote reading. For this set was Publishers' Association, Printing and Publishing. In the work involved and leading regional libraries, but librarians from school there was no. After reviewing proposals have vyzhvinutye I found that the interests of school libraries there are not reflected. So I sent a proposal to the Association, reflecting the interests of school libraries. I already wrote about this blog (...
Thanks to my blog. RSHBA. (thanks to Vladimir Zhuravlev ) drew attention to our experience with readers' diaries and family.
My blog there is less than two months, but so many people come to know and appreciate not only my job, but my school work. If this is a PR, as can tell, this is my public relations work, but I do not see anything wrong. Healthy PR does not hurt, and will help librarians gain their deserved status.
And the personal results I would have classified our wonderful chat with you. How important it is to meet at some point in the life of so many wonderful people and like-minded people!.

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