Monday, April 16, 2012

Humiliating bids - news from the field

The fall in August by 20%. While thematic attendance has grown, as well as costs Sapa - ksape on the rise in the tops. Occasionally, some website shoots for 40-50 rubles per click, but it already is not a system, and the random nature. Where the hell advertisers? .

In light of the revenue from the context just short of the ten day. Apparently, those who in the spring and summer, got rid of their sites in YAN, something knew or felt. Today, incidentally, one white and fluffy has lost site of the index in Yandex. And the blog just left home in the index. What's going on with Yasha no one understands, and not much want to understand - you can break your head. But in any case, in recent times the industry manimeykinge related in one way or another with by Yandex, great shakes. And the expectation is justified only a game ahead of the curve.

In Sapa income stood at around 10. 80. It should have a week. / - 20 cents a day. Approximately the same situation in the ksape. But those little sausage, and even after changing the engine. While about 20 per day, hopefully soon everything will stabilize and increase. Against this background, happy setlinks. After several months of relative bezrybe appeared advertisers and began buying. At the moment, managed to reach the mark of 2. 20 and I think that this figure will only grow. Market is characterized by its relaxed attitude to resources outside the Yandex. Buying it is not very, but it is.

In parallel, communicating with fellow - varezodelom. Continues to occupy me for 5-15 bucks, but said that a day popanderah and SMS raises 300 bucks. Little hard to believe, but a military ID for 230 thousand. Still, he bought. Now he raises a new topic - selling sick. On the day of sales 10.3. Well, we wish him every success.

In general,. last summer causing strange sensations. So many were the promises and so little of the events and results. In my eyes start his quite a lot of projects and where they are - no clear. But on the other hand, have increased input for a beginner. Web -business is becoming more technologically. More and more you need to know more and more able to. And that requires money for training and software. And every day the figure is growing.

Prices for the satellites, by the way, fell heavily. Now where have to pay 40, 20 is enough. And students are not to blame. The market has corrected. By the way, did not increase sales fall.

Preliminary results until September slabouteshitelny. The market continues to stagnate. Prices treading water or falling. Of course, no crash should not wait, but the price of links will decrease. If, however, will fall and the overall financial market, reduced advertising budgets, and therefore the budget at the context. T. e. bids will be even less competitive due to low.

What should I do?. You can ponyt, cover sheets and crawl to the cemetery. Probably, most will do so. And you can adjust the plans and do more than planned. I personally plan to bring the total number of sites already up to 500. Although previously planned 200. But the market has fallen by half, plus more prosyadet. So, we need somewhere in the 2. Five times more. Although, of course, profitability, too, will fall. But still it is high enough to maneuver.

Currently the site with tITs10 brings about 20 cents a day. It's about 70 bucks a year. The cost to build at today's prices - 15-20 bucks. Domain - four bucks. Hosted at the rate of five domains - a buck (12 year). Total - costs 36 bucks a year on the second and subsequent years - $ 5.

If we start from the calculation of the site, built by the context. That the cost of advertising in ksape - about 50 a month, another 20 bucks kontentschiku, 10 hosting, domain does not count. Total 80 month cost. Estimated revenue from this site 80-150 per month. High costs - already Venture. And not everyone is ready to go at it.

Of course, you can always bet on the traffic, but then I'm not an expert, never engaged in warez doorway and projects. There's your problem and cockroaches.


Order registration in white catalogs. from the service NetDirect just 200 rubles for the shares! .

Cyril Tsarenko. undertook to write the detailed HELP. Satellite-X. Expected output - to ofsayte script in the distribution system in a week or two. And as we remember, we're not kidding -bound.

The site dealer Michael xsatellite. ru out another bonus for purchasers of the system through it:. Version 1 vote. 0.

Spomoni tried to make. generalization of the blogosphere. Read interesting, but it turns out that between the first and second wave a few years, and between the second and third, third and fourth - for six months. Nifigase, faster!.

Yellow Blog - 1 year!. Congratulations!.

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